Making Speculative Technologies

Kristina Andersen. 2017. Making Speculative Technologies, in Intersecting Art and Technology in Practice: Techne/Technique/Technology, Routledge, pp. 42-49. ISBN-13: 978-1138934115

Kristina Andersen and Tom Mudd. 2019. An Interview with Kristina Andersen, In New Directions in Music and HCI. Holland S., Mudd T.,Wilkie K., McPherson A. and Wanderley M. (ed.s). Springer, Cham.

Mark Blythe, Enrique Encinas, Jofish Kaye, Miriam Lueck Avery, Rob McCabe, and Kristina Andersen. 2018. Imaginary Design Workbooks: Constructive Criticism and Practical Provocation. In Proceedings of the 2018 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI ’18). ACM, New York, NY, USA, Paper 233, 12 pages. DOI:

Mark Blythe, Kristina Andersen, Rachel Clarke, and Peter Wright. 2016. Anti-Solutionist Strategies: Seriously Silly Design Fiction. In Proceedings of the 2016 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI ’16). ACM, New York, NY, USA, 4968-4978. DOI:

Kristina Andersen, Margot Jacobs, and Laura Polazzi. 2018: Playing Games in the Emotional Space. In Funology: from Usability to Enjoyment_Blythe, M.A., Monk, A.F. and Wright, P.C. (ed.s) Kluwer. Anniversary reissue.


