Weaving as a Way to Engage with Compexity

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“More than intangible material, than tones or words, tangible material can teach that it has demands of its own and suggestions of its own for its forming, that it asks for a reaction. Creating means this reacting to material rather than the execution of a dream, as the layman conceives it. The first vision of something to be done gives more the mood of the work than its final form. The form emerges as the work progresses.” – Anni Albers, The Weaver 6:1, Jan-Feb 1941


The weaver sits at the loom, moving with the rhythm of the shuttle, quietly counting or cursing, as row by row of lines of interconnected fiber is added into a set of raised and lowered threads. The threads are raised and lowered in different configurations for each flight of the shuttle, adding to the material line by line. A screen, a paper, a punch card holds the abstract of the pattern, but this is only a part of it. The emergent pattern is embodied in the weaver, their movements and rhythms, entangled with the blue shuttle, gray shuttle, right hand flight, left hand reed, the weft and warp, threads and yarns, that together form the double weave, the actual pattern, what is made, what is newly materialized from this hybrid arrangement. 

Writing in progress…